Thursday, 29 August 2019

Turkish Government Aims for its Trademark in Health Care Tourism

Trademark Protection

Fahrettin Koca Heath Minister of Turkey has recently announced that the Turkish government now looks for creating its trademark in health care tourism and the process has already commenced.
In recent years, Turkey has not just attained significant momentum in health care tourism but has also become a progressive center of attraction with the enhanced services featuring state-of-the-art technology, competent experts, and affordable prices.
Koca told Anadolu Agency’s (AA) Finance Desk that they are planning to make an influential launch in the coming one or two months. He also uncovered that within the extent of health tourism, around 500,000 patients visited their nation in 2018, and the figure is expected to exceed in 2019. According to the minister, Turkey will target a larger share of global health tourism in the future.
Koca added that they would have health attaches in countries, which they have set as targets in the upcoming phase. In this context, they desire to establish advanced diagnostic centers in these targeted regions. In other words, they will do what no other country owning a share in health tourism has done.
Koca revealed that their government wants to establish diagnosis centers that will follow-up and check-up patients (treated in Turkey) after they go back to their countries. Therefore, they are planning for a foundation that will work with the enthusiasm of the private sector and is public property with the label International Health Services Inc. (USHAS). USHAŞ, which was established to promote the services Turkey delivers in health tourism abroad, had started its operations in February 2019.
The minister also said that the Turkish government is preparing to proffer follow-up treatment and diagnosis through medical centers in Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan in Asia, and Bahrain, Iraq, and Qatar in the Middle East.
A report by the Turkish Statistical Institute showed that last year, over 551,748 tourists, which is an upsurge of 27.3% in comparison to the previous year, arrived in Turkey for health-related services. Koca said, Turkey’s revenue from health tourism has reached $1.5 billion, but they aim to make it five times by 2030. That’s why they are focusing on almost everything, whether it pertains to Register a Trademark or anything else. When it comes to health, tourists choose Turkey because of several reasons, including reasonable price, quality, short waiting periods, technical conditions, and high-end facilities. The medical services because of which Turkey attained a leading place in the health sector include dental care, organ transplants, plastic surgery, and the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For view source:

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